How the WCSAS Works
When the user types the web address in the browser, the home page of the application is displayed. On the home page, users can take a free test by clicking on Take The Test button. A new user can register on the site by clicking on the ” Register” option on the menu at the top of the page. The user will go through the registration process by entering the following details like Full Name, Email, City, Country, and Password. The
registration details of the user will be stored in “users” table, and the user accounts will be created. Once the registration process is done, the user will jump to User’s account page. After getting registered, the user can assess his career stream, but once the user is log out the system, he has to click on the “Login” option. Log in to the system is done by entering the email id and password details. After entering the system, the user can take
the test, edit the account information, change the password, get the career stream report and log out the system. After registration or login process user can give the career stream assessment test, A test with 68 questions will be displayed. After completion of the test, the user will get his career stream report as well as a suitable career in that stream. Careers can be searched based on the stream. On clicking the “My account” option, the detailed profile information of the user, who is currently logged in is displayed.Here the users can change their profile except for member type, email-id, password and these details will be reflected in the database only when the Update button is clicked. This system provides the following facility to the users.
â— View System Content: All Users can view the website contents.
â— Take a free test: Any user can take a free test by clicking on Take The Test button, but The users need to register before taking the test.
â— Registration: The user is asked to fill his Full name, email, password, city, and country to register himself.
â— Login: The registered user can log in to the system by entering email and password.
â—Take the Career Stream Test: Users have to go through the career stream assessment test by clicking on Take The Test button. This test is free for the registered users.
â— Get the Career Stream Report(CSR): The User will get the Career Stream Report(CSR) immediately after the career stream test. This Report will declare career stream for class 11 as well as give information about user’s Personality, Interests, and Aptitude.
â— Update Account: The user can update his profile information like full name, city, country. Registered users can also download their CSR anytime from their account.
â— Change Password: The user can change his password by clicking on Change Password button.
â— Retrieve Password: In case, user forgot his password or wants to login to the system then the user can get his password by clicking on Forgot Password link
â— Find Career Information: All users can search the career in different streams like Science, Commerce, and Humanities.